November 21, 2024

Pink and tan capote de Manuel Escribano

Festival Virgin de Triana 2024

Ok, this is by far my favorite capote of all time. I love the tan color (or is it white?) on the inside and the traditional pink on the outside.

I never heard why sometimes toreros use different colored capotes. Probably just personal preference, I'm sure they get bored of using the traditional pink and yellow capotes all the time.

You do see different colors from time to time. I've posted pictures of pink and green, pink and blue, and pink and purple. This is the first time I've seen pink and tan though, and I it is by far my favorite now.

Sometimes toreros are ridiculed for using different colors other than the pink, or technically I should say "magenta". 

Antonio Ferrera has been made fun of for using an all blue capote, and also an all green capote. One of the announcers for OneToro said those capotes were "muy feos" and came down hard on Ferrera for using them. 

Enrique Ponce en Jurilquilla Mexico

November 16, 2024

November 13, 2024

Morante en Sevilla - 2023


Charleton Heston in Pamplona

El famoso actor Charlton Heston (quien actuó en grandes películas como Ben Hur, Los Diez Mandamientos y El Planeta de los Simios) junto al recordado fotógrafo taurino Francisco Cano en la plaza de toros de Pamplona.