August 27, 2020

Plaza de toros de Almaden (Ciudad Real)

Recinto hexagonal que data de 1752, construido inicialmente como viviendas para mineros y adaptado a plaza de toros par...a los festejos del pueblo y recaudar fondos para el Real Hospital de Mineros de san Rafael.

August 24, 2020

Manuel Escibano en Sanlucar

Segunda corrida Magallanica

August 23, 2020

Toro de Miura


Question: Roosters?

I've always had a question about this but can never seem to find an answer.

I've seen toreros walk around the plaza with a rooster in hand. I don't know the significance but I'd love to know.

Corrida Magallanica

Pepe Moral en Sanlucar

La primera corrida Magallanica

August 24, 2019

August 18, 2020

Carlos Olsina y Manuel Escribano en Bezieres

Un toro que sobro de la ganaderia Gallon, lo regalaron a Escribano, Olsina, Castella, Perrera, Urena, y Vicens a cerrar la fiesta.

August 15, 2020

Very big bulls from the Pedraza de Yeltes ranch

Histórica tarde de Rafael Rubio RAFAELILLO, que cortó 3 orejas y gran faena al cuarto, y DANIEL LUQUE, que se llevó dos, en DAX, con una brava corrida de PEDRAZA DE YELTES. Les acompañó en el cartel ROMÁN, que no tuvo suerte. 14/09/2017

August 14, 2020

Huerta de San Antonio

Huerta de San Antonio, finca de Morante de la Puebla

(follow link to the blog "Fotografia Taurina Luis Barbero" for more photos of Morante's finca)

August 8, 2020

A young Alejandro Talavante

Beautiful Miura bull in Beziers France - 720 kilos !

El imponente toro “Solana" de Miura con un peso en la báscula de 720 kilos, lidiado el 18 de Agosto del 2002 en la Plaza de Toros de Béziers por el matador Eulalio López "Zotoluco".

702 kilos ?!

A Miura bull, date and location unknown.

702 kilos ?

August 7, 2020

Un espontaneo

Bilbao - 2014 - toro de Victorino Martin

A espontaneo is when a person from the crowd suddenly jumps into the plaza during a bullfight and tries to give the bull a few passes.

Usually it is someone who had dreams of being a bullfighter but it never worked out for them and the temptation to get in the ring is still strong so they do.

Sometimes it doesn't go well and the person is gored or injured, other times they are arrested and fined.

Occasionally it works out and they are given the chance to continue with the bull for awhile longer.

(here are some YouTube links of some espontaneos)

August 4, 2020