August 31, 2013

Morante, historico

(photo by Maurice Berho 5-23-10)
Nîmes (Francia)Con el debido respeto…que se le debe a todo aquel que se pone delante de un toro lo de Morante hoy en Nìmes ha sido punto y aparte. Hasta el sexto toro, bajo un calor soporífero, el festejo no había roto aunque Morante había cortado una oreja en su primero con el que tuvo detalles de mucha clase, pero el toro se apagó pronto.
Ha sido en el sexto cuando ha formado un alboroto histórico, primero con el capote con unos lances cadenciosos y a cámara lenta pero sobre todo con la muleta; Empezó sentado en una silla recetando tres o cuatro ayudados de clara inspiración gallista para después construir una de las mejores faenas que le hayamos visto. El toro tuvo una gran clase y el de La Pueblano desperdició ninguna de las embestidas del de Juan Pedro.
Se suele decir que cada muletazo era un cartel de toros pero este tópico hoy tomado visos de realidad con la faena del sevillano. No se puede torear con más torería y más naturalidad que el torero de La Puebla. Faena antológica que de perdésela un aficionado, por más grande que sea, siempre le faltará no haber visto a Morante en Nîmes la tarde de hoy.
Coronó su obra de una gran estocada y en la misma silla con la que inició la faena vio sentado caer al toro rendido a sus pies. Indescriptible. Conde tuvo también algunos momentos de gran inspiración y hasta recibió una fea voltereta en su segundo y mermado de facultades mató el quinto sin poder redondear su mañana.
Coliseo de Nîmes. 6ª de Feria de Pentecostés. Tres cuartos de plaza. Toros de Juan Pedro Domecq, el tercero como sobrero, de desigual juego. Sobresalió el sexto de clase extraordinaria. Javier Conde, silencio tras aviso, ovación y silencio; Morante de la Puebla, oreja, silencio y dos orejas y rabo. Salió por la Puerta de los Cónsules.

August 30, 2013

La Mexico

Photo of the opening of the biggest plaza de toros in the world, La Monumental de Mexico, or simply La Mexico. 43,000 people sold out the arena on February 5th, 1946.

August 29, 2013

Ole, toro! Mesquite bulls ready to paw, snort and run

(by Don Baker 7-10-98)
Depending on your viewpoint, it's either the ultimate adrenalin rush; flat-out insanity or a barbaric "throwback to the Middle Ages."
But regardless of how you look at it, the first-ever "Running With the Bulls" Saturday in Mesquite has quickly evolved into a national curiosity with plenty of runners and a lot of media attention.Run spokeswoman Susan Knuepfer said Wednesday that about 400 people have put up $50 a head - so to speak - for the privilege of running a quarter-mile dash down a dirt road with a dozen unsociable rodeo bulls.
For that modest fee, runners will get a T-shirt and red sash plus some inspiration to reflect on what kind of recreational opportunities may be available in the afterlife.

The field is expected to increase to at least 500 runners by Saturday, she said, and event organizers plan to accommodate thousands of spectators and reporters.

Modeled after the annual running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, this event will have a distinct Wild West flavor and take place in "Mesquite Village" at the Oasis Ranch and Gun Club.

Granted, it's really not a village at all - just a collection of colorful facades whomped up to look like the Old West.

The bull run was moved to Oasis Ranch after the Nevada Department of Transportation nixed staging the event on a state road, so the "village" has been constructed to recreate an old-time ambience.

"We still want people to feel like they're running on Main Street," explained Kirk Lee, public relations director for the Oasis Hotel and Casino.

The adrenalin rush thing will be automatic for the runners: That comes naturally when you're scooting down a dirt road with several belligerent bovines who tip the scales at about three-quarters of a ton.
"It's somewhat of a crazy thing," Knuepfer conceded. "But the public response has been generally positive, and we've had a ton of media interest."

Lee said that in addition to national coverage by television and print media, he has been contacted by Spanish and German television news units that plan to cover the running.

The event, which was adopted by the five-casino Mesquite Resort Association after being rejected by city officials in Phoenix and Long Beach, "is accomplishing our goal of putting Mesquite on the map."

Animal rights activists and Humane Society officials, however, would like to use that map to swat association members and event organizers.

"This kind of a thing is a throwback to the Middle Ages," said Gene Baierschmidt, executive director of the Humane Society of Utah. "Civilized cultures in 1998 shouldn't be getting their kicks by pitting thrill-seeking human beings against terrified confused animals.

"This isn't sport, it isn't entertainment and it has no redeeming value in any setting," he added.

While one could probably make the same allegations against craps or blackjack, Baierschmidt is urging Humane Society members and the critter-loving public to write, fax, phone or e-mail their protests to the Mesquite City Council - and to boycott the city's casino bus-i-ness.
"The bull-running supporters stand to make money from this spectacle," he said. "It is our hope they find they've lost much more than they've gained when the whole mess is over."

Opposition from animal rights factions "is somewhat to be expected," Knuepfer said. But she also stressed that organizers have taken pains to ensure the event is as humane and non-threatening to the bulls as possible.

Unlike Pamplona, where the bulls run on concrete and cobblestone streets, the Mesquite bulls will be running on a 40-foot-wide dirt road with familiar corral-type fencing to channel both the two-footed and four-footed runners.

"We liken it to a bull-riding event at the rodeo as far as danger to the bulls is concerned," she said. "There won't be any poking or prodding of the bulls" or whipping or taunting like the animals at Pamplona.

Lee noted the safety of people is also a concern, so there will be a second fence inside the primary fence with gaps every 100 feet so runners can escape the flow of action if necessary.

In addition, lariat-swinging mounted cowboys and rodeo clowns disguised in street clothing will mix with the runners and provide some protection.

Even with those precautions, Lee said, there will still be an element of danger and runners must be at least 21 years of age, in good health, not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol and sign liability waivers before making the run.
The run will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, Mesquite time, and admittance will be free. Bleachers are being provided for about 30,000 spectators.


August 28, 2013

Toros en Sevilla

Toreo de Tijuana

(by Mario MM 4-11-11)
A pesar del esfuerzo que realizaron los aficionados taurinos por evitar la caída de la plaza de toros “El Toreo”, éste ha comenzado a ser demolido y en unos cuantos días, el espacio del Bulevar Agua Caliente dará paso a una nueva infraestructura.

Los nuevos propietarios, de quienes se desconoce su identidad, han decidido tirar al olvido la historia que este inmueble encierra y el significado que tiene para la ciudad, y en base a su conveniencia, de un negocio propio, se contempla la construcción de un centro comercial.

 Por eso y cuando las obras de derrumbamiento avanzan, un grupo de ciudadanos, encabezados por Ricardo Zurita y Marco Antonio Domínguez, titulares del Consejo Nacional de Asociaciones, Peñas y Aficionados Taurinos de México (CONTOROMEX), tratan de convencer al resto de la población y a las autoridades locales y estatales para que este predio permanezca como patrimonio histórico y cultural.
Tal parece que tal petición no será aceptada, ya que durante la semana, los trabajos de demolición de la plaza comenzaron a marchas forzadas.
Desde las afueras, a simple vista se alcanza a percibir que las estructuras traseras del Toreo han sido destruidas, además de que en el patio frontal abundan los escombros, producto de los trabajos que se llevan a cabo.
La historia del Toreo de Tijuana data del 3 de julio de 1938, cuando se desarrolló la primera corrida, un mano a mano entre los toreros Fermín Espinosa “Armillita” y Alberto Balderas, con toros de la ganadería Piedras Negras.

August 27, 2013

Arrojado, un toro para la historia de la Real Maestranza de Sevilla

 ( 6 de Mayo 2011)
La plaza de toros de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla vivió el pasado 30 de abril una jornada histórica. Por primera vez en los más de doscientos años de vida de este coso se indultó un toro. El acontecimiento queda para los anales del coso del Baratillo y también para la historia de la Empresa Pagés, que lleva 78 años vinculada a esta plaza.
El gran acontecimiento se produjo en el tercero de la tarde en una corrida que toreaban Julio Aparicio, Morante de la Puebla y José Mari Manzanares, torero que tuvo la fortuna de tener entre sus manos la bravura y la excelente clase del toro ‘Arrojado’, un ejemplar negro mulato de la ganadería de Núñez del Cuvillo que pesó 500 kilos y que estaba marcado con el número 217. El toro presentaba buenas hechuras, bajo y bien armado, ligeramente bizco del pitón izquierdo.

Arrojado recibió dos puyazos en los que peleó bien y en la muleta fue una auténtica máquina de embestir, yendo siempre a más. Su arrancada alegre, su enclasada forma de meter la cara y su recorrido en la muleta lo convirtieron en un excelente colaborador para el torero. El difícil equilibrio entre bravura y clase fue la gran baza de este ejemplar de Núñez del Cuvillo, que cayó en las inspiradas manos de José Mari Manzanares.

Este encuentro entre un toro excepcional y un torero que se acopló a él rozando la perfección por momentos propició una faena y un ambiente irrepetible en la Maestranza sevillana. Hasta 71 muletazos le dio el diestro alicantino a Arrojado, destacando en la faena el ritmo lentísimo de la mayor parte de los muletazos en lo que fue una faena para el recuerdo.

La plaza fue consciente de la excepcionalidad de lo vivido, de ahí que empezara a pedir con fuerza el perdón para la vida de este toro de Cuvillo, honor que el presidente de esa tarde, el señor Julián Salguero Villadiego, concedió al asomar en el palco el pañuelo naranja que significa indulto.
Para el toro, el perdón, y para el torero, dos orejas y la gloria de ver la Maestranza entregada. Manzanares invitó a Álvaro Núñez del Cuvillo a dar la vuelta al ruedo para celebrar tan magno triunfo torero y ganadero. Una imagen para la memoria colectiva de esta plaza y un éxito en definitiva para la Fiesta de los Toros que tuvo como escenario Sevilla y su feria de Abril.



August 26, 2013

Traje de Luces

 traje de luces. Literally suit of sequins or suit of lights. The costume of the banderilleros and matadores. -Barnaby Conrad's Encyclopedia of Bullfighting

August 25, 2013

El Rejoneo

(photo/JRMendez photography)

rejoneo. Portuguese style of fighting bulls. [from horseback]
-Barnaby Conrad's Encyclopedia of Bullfighting

August 23, 2013

Alexander Fiske-Harrison

Alexander Fiske-Harrison is an English actor who fell in love with the Spanish bullfight, moved to Sevilla, became friends with and learned to torear from some of the biggest named bullfighters in Spain.
He wrote a book about his experiences called The Last Arena, which has received praise from many critics and has been called one of the best books on the subject of bullfighting ever written.
I post the above picture because I love the look of the photo, a dark room with a warm light, a desk in a cozy corner, a book about bullfighting, and small bottle of Havana Club, and the time to enjoy it all. I hope to have that myself one day.
You can read more by Mr. Fiske-Harrison at

August 22, 2013

Morante de la Puebla (Jose Antonio Morante Camacho)

Born October 2nd, 1979 in Puebla del Rio, (Sevilla.)

Took alternativa in Burgos on June 29th, 1997.

August 17, 2013

Bulls to take turn riding the people

(by Lee Benson 7-8-98)

Shane Holt, a good old cowboy from Enterprise, Utah, pitched a bale of hay in front of Smoky Joe, Grand Prize, Ol Blue, Little Tippy and a couple dozen of their bull friends he had recently unloaded off a semitrailer.

"They've all got names," said Holt, keeping a wary eye on his cattle, "and I know ever one of 'em."He also knows where they'll be Saturday morning.
Attempting to mow down a few hundred tourists.

Barring any last-minute restraining orders from Pamplona, Spain, which has the original copyright for this sort of thing, the running of the bulls, American West version, will take place when a band of rodeo bulls wearing the Slick Fork Ranch brand bear down on whoever pays his or her fifty dollars to get in the chute at the Oasis Gun Club Arena - and see if they can run a third of a mile faster than them bulls.

Unlike the original bull run in Pamplona, which began about 400 years ago and is run through city streets, Mesquite's event won't be run through its city streets because, when the Mesquite Resort Association ran the idea past the Nevada Highway Department, the scream was so loud you'd have thought it was Mike Tyson asking for his license back.

The event won't even be held in Mesquite, by point of fact, but just beyond city, and state, limits in an unincorporated section of Arizona, which means Arizona now has the distinction of importing from Europe both the London Bridge and the Pamplona Running of the Bulls.

Maybe it's not so strange that Evan Mecham was once elected governor there after all.

But geographical nuances aside, this is still very much a Nevada event and is in fact a turnabout on one of Nevada's proudest traditions: the prime rib buffet.

In this case, the entrees will be chasing the people in line.
When Ken Carter talks about the running of the bulls, he sees room tax.

Ken is the mayor of Mesquite - Nevada's fastest growing city, the mayor likes to point out, the last six years in a row.

When Ken graduated from Virgin Valley High in 1958, there weren't more than 750 people in the entire Virgin Valley. Now, there are 800 in the high school alone.

In the city of Mesquite, the population is 10,500 and growing by at least a couple of black jack dealers daily.

The reason for all the growth is what Nevadans call "gaming." Mesquite has five major gaming casinos, with 3,000 rooms, which, in the winter time, are more often than not filled.

But this isn't winter.

This is July, when Mesquite's high temperature hovers somewhere between 110 and complete asphalt meltdown.
"We needed something to fill the rooms in the summer," Ken said earlier this week as he drove his Chrysler close to the corral holding the bulls, air conditioner going full blast.

Swede Hansen, Shane Holt's partner, is justifiably proud of the rodeo stock the two have brought in for the big weekend.

Not only will the Slick Fork's bulls chase Mesquite's tourists on Saturday morning, but on Friday night they'll warm up by doing their usual gig at a bull-rider's competition at the rodeo grounds.
"There's a lot of 'em in here with an attitude," says Swede, who does little to contain either his pride or his amusement.

You can bet he'll have his boots draped over the corral rails Saturday, enjoying the show.

"We're putting some new stock in on Saturday," he says conspiratorially, looking at a pen adjacent to the one holding Ol Blue and his buddies - where the bulls are younger, scrawnier and maybe even meaner looking.

"Rookies," whispers Swede. "They haven't made their debut yet."
He laughs a cowboy's laugh. It isn't every day you get to see if the bulls can ride the people.


August 16, 2013

A portagayola con una silla y banderillas con un periódico

( 8-14-13)

Málaga (España) Ambiente envidiable en la primera novillada del Certamen de Escuelas Taurinas en Málaga, un festejo que abre el camino de la feria taurina. Con más de tres cuartos de entrada, se pudo disfrutar de un festejo largo en el que Francisco Morales, Aítor Darío ‘El Gallo’ y Jiménez López cortaron una oreja. Además destacó Cristian Climent que dio una vuelta al ruedo tras pinchar con la espada.

La nota curiosa la puso Jiménez López que se fue a portagayola con una silla y también la empleó en el tercio de banderillas cuando esperó al novillo con un periódico. Los novillos, de juego desigual, también ocasionaron diversas volteretas, sin consecuencias.
